Art, Photography, Promise Gardens, Summer Gardens

Raptures of Serenity

How beautiful is the morning sunlight as it warms the trees with its dappled light and hues many.  I am in raptures of serenity, beauty and peace.  Oh there is such a place as this in the Promise Gardens for delights of body, soul and spirit . . . take inspiration my friends, create an oasis for your morning joy and daytime repose.  Come walk with me through my gardens and then we will rest awhile and read the poets . . . _jacy

~ ~ ~

“IN the grey summer garden I shall find you
With day-break and the morning hills behind you.
There will be rain-wet roses; stir of wings;
And down the wood a thrush that wakes and sings.
Not from the past you’ll come, but from that deep
Where beauty murmurs to the soul asleep:
And I shall know the sense of life re-born
From dreams into the mystery of morn
Where gloom and brightness meet. And standing there
 Till that calm song is done, at last we’ll share
 The league-spread, quiring symphonies that are
Joy in the world, and peace, and dawn’s one star.”*

~ ~ ~

* Idyll by Siegfried Sassoon

Photography:  Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2013 All Rights Reserved for Promise Gardens

Please do not reblog.  Thank you!

Photography, Roses & Flowers, Summer Gardens

Path to Secret Garden

At last, the rains fell in torrents, the sun appeared and a walk through the gardens to the path to the Secret Garden. What will my eyes behold there anew? It is always exciting to see what is springing up from my last visit. The Promise Gardens are ever-changing as different species and plants appear for their show. The critters have made havoc in some places as they munch on hostas and favorite vegetation. I miss the beauty of walking paths of candytuft but the rabbits devoured and wild strawberries have taken their place. It is still glorious even with its change and hot summer weather here. I shall continue my walk and discover. . .

“Mountain and meadow blend their gifts in one.
This morn I trod the secret path of dreams,
 And, lo! my wilding flowers sprang thick around me,
Alpine and lowland too; and with them sprang
Blossoms that never had I known before
Except in poets’ pages—fancied forms
And hues that shone in more than Alpine light.
 Poppies incarnadine and rosemary,
And violets with gentle eyes were there,
 And their sweet cousinry, the periwinkles;
 Night-blooming cereus, agrimony, rue,
And stately damask roses, Eastern queens,
The noblest-born of flowers; and by their side
The panthers of the meadow, tiger-lilies;
Came with her trembling banner of perfumed bells
The lily of the valley, and the jessamine,
Princesses twain with maiden fragrance pure;
The azure of the Alpine gentian shone
  Intense beneath the rival blue of heaven;
Along the heights blossomed the Alpine rose,
And higher yet the starry edelweiss,—
 And sweet the wind came o’er the visioned Alp.
_Titus Munson Coan

Photography: Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2013 All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs please!  Thank you.

Flowers, Gardening, Potting Table, Vegetables

Happy Garden Sunshine

Early morning mist, sun peeking through after days of rain showers and plants are loving every second of it.  The porch garden loves the light and I love photographing the plants in their delight.  Even the baby rabbits climb the large staircase to get to them for a nibble on the veggies and herbs even when they have their full in the Promise Gardens.  Gardening is such a pleasure just for the pure enjoyment of it and diversion from busy schedules.  Happy weekend my gardening friends and enjoy your garden labors at the table!  xox

Promise Gardens
Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2013 All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs Please

Flowers, Gardening, Peonies, Photography, Promise Gardens, Summer Gardens

Awestruct at Garden Promises

Isn’t it lovely how the promises of beautiful gardens are renewed every day, from season to season, sun, rain, snow and everything that happens to make their beauty shine forth for our enjoyment?  It does not matter how many times I see the flowers grow up from the ground to flowering, I am awestruck.  The WOW of the gardens is the color and aroma and each flower and leaf with its own beauty.  Ahhhh, take time to walk through gardens, smell the flowers, enjoy the beauty while it lasts for the season because we are so totally blessed to have such beauty to enjoy.  Smiling and breathing it in . . . x0x

* * *
‘FLOWERS nodding gaily, scent in air,  

Flowers posied, flowers for the hair,  
Sleepy flowers, flowers bold to stare——’  
        ‘O pick me some!’
* * *

Photography:   Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2013 All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs Please!

Gardening, Nature, Peonies, Photography, Promise Gardens

The Last Peony

Every year I am saddened when the peonies have bloomed and their season of bloom ended.  The rains were heavy this spring which reeks havoc on the petals so I cut and brought many bouquets indoors to savor their fragrance and beauty.  Pictured is the last peony sharing its last days and sweet aroma in my garden window until next year.   Adieu my beauties…

See more peony posts via the “Categories” links on the blog.
Copyright, JayJacy Photography-©2013 All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs please. Thanks