Cherry Blossoms, Gardening, Photography

Oh My Blossoms

Cherry, Pear, Apple and just about every other kind of blossom is filling up the gardens and popping out all over. Last night and this morning we had a deluge followed by amazing sunshine and it is just beautiful to behold. The grass is greening up and with popping out tulips, azaleas and other bulbs and flowering trees, I did not want to miss a Cherry Blossom post on the Promise Gardens. If you did not get into Washington, DC or surrounding areas to view those incredible blooms, remember you can capture them at many local gardens, parks and tree-lined streets. Take a walk with your camera and see what you can capture. It is an amazing time to capture this spring beauty!

Cherry Blossoms

And in the warm hedge grew lush eglantine,
Green cowbind and the moonlight-colour’d May,
And cherry-blossoms, and white cups whose wine
Was the bright dew yet drain’d not by the day;
And wild roses, and ivy serpentine,
With its dark buds and leaves wandering astray;
And flowers, azure, black, and streak’d with gold,
Fairer than any waken’d eyes behold. _B.Shelly

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Photography JayJacyPhotography, Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved